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Be More Than Just An Entertainer!
Delivering that unforgettable moment.
Being an entertainer mean so much more than just showing up, doing some stuff for some people and then getting a check and leaving.
It means you have been given an exclusive amount of time in which you are allowed to connect with the audience on a very personal and emotional level. You get a chance to burn hilarious memories into their life long timeline of events and you get to capture a glimpse of their natural urge to be entertained.
I recently had a chance to sit down with legendary ventriloquist and Founder of
Entertainment-Experts.com to discuss what you must bring to the table in order to make a difference and ensure a long lasting career in show business.
The following video is an excerpt from our
Skype (Google affiliate ad) interview in which I tell him of an amazing experience I had when performing with Ringling Bros. Circus as a clown.
It was a story I told in a performers and agents/producers forum. A member had asked the question when was the moment you knew that you had "Made It" as an artist? This story was on of the many times I had the feeling of "I have made it" in my performing life.
Here is the text from the interview:
Bryan Fulton shares a story with Tom Crowl for the Entertainment Experts series.
Video Content:
There was a comment on the Facebook thread that was pretty much asking when you knew that you had made it. Whether it was as a performer or, you know, as an agent or whatever it is that you were doing. And one of the defining moments of my career as a performer, especially with Ringling Brothers, one of the first times, there have been many, but one of the first times I really knew that I had made it...was, I was in Washington DC and we had played the DC armory the night before, and I used to do, in the circus to start the show, the number is called the blow-off, so it takes you into the show and gets the energy going. Gets people really, really excited and gets them hyped up and then, one big bang and one big laugh, and here starts the show so you can go from there. And I used to do tricks with
basketballs and my ending trick, I would throw it up in the air, let it bounce and then catch it on my head and then balance it, you know, then get the applause and head out.
So the next day I had to go get a new basketball for some reason and went to a sporting goods store, and I noticed a little boy over by the
basketballs and he was kind of messing with the ball a little bit and he put it up on his head and like, trying to let it go and balance it. He was trying to get his Mom's attention, so I kind of sat back and watched, Wow, is he doing what I do in the show? But I was like, nah, you know, who am I? Just a clown in a show. And then his mom finally turned around and saw him, and said "What are you doing? You trying to be that clown from the circus?" And I was just like, I, was very emotional at that point. Thinking this little kid had no idea who I was because I wasn't in make-up obviously at the store and I was watching him imitate me and it was very surreal. So I watched him a little bit longer and he was doing it a couple more times and he saw me watching and I clapped for him and stuff like that. And then I actually ended up showing him the trick and doing it, and kind of letting him in on it, you know, not that he would recognize me because I was out of make up, but letting him know it was me. And then actually spun the
basketballs on his finger. It was kind of cool and kind of weird at the same time because I wasn't in make up and I didn't want his Mom to go "hey!" But I think she understood too that I was that person. And it was awesome, it was awesome to see that you touch people's lives and you don't realize it because there are fifteen or twenty thousand people in the audience and you know, you don't realize that each one of those people are people that take your experience home. And it was amazing to have it come full circle and see the benefit of it.
Man, that is just a powerful story, and I appreciate you, I'm glad we were able to redo this call because that is going to really make people go WOW! It's a real wake up call.
Yeah, ultimately, as a performer, yeah you want to make money, you want to make a living, but that is what you are in the business for. You are in the business to entertain people and to touch their lives even for a minute, I mean there is so much craziness going on in the world. If you can just make people stop for that hour and a half or two hours your in the show, and just let them relax and enjoy their life and kind of forget about the bills at home, that stuff is always going to be there, it's always going to be there. Unless you win the lottery the next day, you're going to have to deal with it. So for those hour, two hours, we have you and it's our job to kind of take you off to another place and just let you be a kid again. So it's powerful stuff and sometimes we lose sight of that as performers and it is good to be reminded why we are actually in this business.
Never forget that you do make a difference in the lives of your audiences. For more videos and information on becoming a professional performer, visit:
To find out more on how to book Bryan Fulton and those amazing basketballs for your event contact us today (843) 491-4812!
Author: Bryan Fulton is the VP of Talent and Production for All Star Talent, Inc. All Star Talent, Inc. specializes in providing top quality entertainment for trade show events and unique team building experiences all over the world. If you would like more details on when, where, or how to implement different types of entertainment for your next event you can visit us online at http://AllStarTalentInc.com/. You can also call (843) 491-4812 or email All Star Talent, Inc. at info@allstartalentinc.com today and one of our agents will help you look like a superstar at your next event!
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